Monday, February 1, 2010

Sweet Dreams, Self!

[Programming note: Finally adjusted the layout after awkward squabbles with photo sizing.  Hopefully this will solve the problem.]
In the next week I am buying a new mattress! Hoorah.
Which leads me to a dilemma- the bed situation.  I haven't found any that I like that are in my price range... so my official plan is to build myself one.
Materials, I know I can do it DIY style- plywood, 2x4s.  I want to sand the wood down and stain it a reddish brown.  Luckily I have a wood distributor next door, so I won't have to carry it far.  And by carry, I mean scoot in my granny-cart.  Another idea I was thinking of was upholstery.  Am I the kind of person who would have an uhpholstered headboard?  What about just upholstered bed sides?  Do I need a headboard?  I want it to be low to the ground, but I also cringe at the idea of losing valuable storage space.
It's safe to say that my brain is swimming with style ideas and construction questions.  To help sort, here's my virtual concept board.  More to come as things progress.  Until then, you can guess what I'll be dreaming of.

Grey felt upholstered by BoConcept.  I like the thinness of the sides, and also how you could rest things on the ledge, like cell phone and book.

Blocky upholstered Nyla Bed from Vioski.  I kind of just admire the shape of this one.  I don't like the crease in the front.

St. Pierre Bed from Uhuru Design.  (I can't get enough, apparently!)  What I like about this is the honesty of materials, as well as the unashamedly striking contrast of the headboard. 

This bad boy via Home Sweet Home (site, not the bar) just inspires me to be creative.  Living in a loft has its challenges.
Harmonica Storage bed from CB2.  The one above is actually last year's version (Sleepy Hollow), but frankly, the new version didn't have a Boston Terrier in the photos.  They're similar enough, though the Harmonica is stained a more yellowish color, which I do not like.  I do however, like this version of under-bed storage.  No pesky drawers to pull out! 

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