Turkey day is a here, and I can call it that now that I no longer indulge in tofurkey on the big day. My big thing is setting the table. I get a real kick out of it. Previous years in California I experimented with various napkin folding styles, stemware styles, etc. Our first Thanksgiving out east (two years ago) was a DIY miracle. Table made from scraps of plywood, tealights on upturned PBR cans, tablecloth some old fabric from India disgarded from a nearby studio (washed of course). We kept all our beverages tied to a rope hung out from the window because our fridge was too small!
This year, we've really stepped it up a notch. Pics to come, but my sister whipped up the centerpiece. Consisting of a large piece of driftwood found at the petite beach in Red Hook, she drilled holes into it and stuck seven white candles down the center. It's beautiful!
I just picked up some extra silverware, and I'm contemplating name cards. To-do: rearrange living room furniture, assemble table for 17, set table, clean/tidy, and make my dish.
This year I'm reviving one that my brother and I tried last year: Coconut-Marshmallow Spiced Sweet Potatoes. I've got the sweet potatoes on the stove right now! I might nix the marshmallows though. Maybe honey instead? I'd stay my cooking style is pretty organic... so we'll see how it comes out.
This year I'm thankful for the opportunity to live in this wonderful city with all its design inspiration, for my loft, for having creative people around me, and mostly, for my family.
Here are some fun Thanksgiving ideas to get you in the mood. Happy day!
Dwell Studio
jmoranmoya's photostream
Martha Stewart. (Don't you want your table to make your guests to do a squirrel-related double-take?)
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