A cool thing that's going on right now is an exhibition of Maarten Baas, who was just named Designer of the year by Design Miami (by the way I wish I could go... it's next month). He has a wide range of things there, from furniture to electronics. My favorite was the Clay Furniture line, which made me double take at first. They have metal frames that Baas designed, and are then completely covered by hand in clay. Seamlessly. One one piece, the clay was textured like leather. It was unreal! (Literally). Take a looksee here to see it all.. They're almost animated, like a sketch come to life.
There's also a wild adjacent furniture showroom that you access through a hobbit door. Wild because of enormous swooping couches and scribbled painting on the walls. Quite dramatic, I'd say, in addition to some theatrical lighting. Maybe a little overwhelming. But they had a whole Maharam library, including the Folklore fabric, one of my personal favorites. This pic is the brighter version, but there's also a more brown/coral one that is really beautiful.
I'm definitely gonna keep up with this place. Lucky it's neighbors with Topshop...
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