Monday, June 7, 2010

Silver Fox

This weekend I escaped from New York and went north.  Stopping by Bard College, we checked out the Richard B. Fischer Center for the Performing Arts.  By guess who?
This is the first of such Gehry that I've seen up close.  Very exciting, particularly the way that the blue sky reflected/became part of the skin itself.  Naturally I was intrigued by several things:
1. How was this project drawn? How did they know exactly how many rivet holes were needed?  The angle of each cut?
2. Is it true that snow falls on people in the entrance during winter months?
3. Has anyone ever climbed up the inner structure?  If so, how far up did they get?  Can you slide down oncee you're up there? Maybe some sledding?
Further examination left me feeling pleased and amused.  What is essentially one giant concept model creates a dynamic dialogue between what happens when the layers overlap.  Sometimes glass, sometimes nothing.  What dictates where and what occurs... guess that part's up to the architect.  Sometimes reactions like that can feel somewhat arbitrary, but in this case, it felt as if organically placed.

In other news, I got a raise!
I still have some posts brewing, as soon as I have some time.  I'm also freelancing for an interior designer, which is taking more time than I had thought.  But it's interesting, so I'm content/motivated.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics. Curious about the dog. Is he happy, or on the verge of barfing?

    Also, Futureland: WOW.


What about you?